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Sahilll15's github profile

TastyBites is a delightful recipe finder application created with ReactJS and Firebase. Explore a vast collection of recipes and discover new culinary experiences to tantalize your taste buds.

React PWA Starter Template

nc1z's github profile

Opinionated React PWA Starter built with Create-React-App, MUI and Firebase

Amazon Clone

Prajwal0225's github profile

Amazon clone with card functionality using strip


ratishjain12's github profile

A Fullstack MERN blogging platform

Pizza Delivery Web App

vaibhav-xt's github profile

Full Stack Pizza Delivery Application

Swapnoneel's Portfolio

Swpn0neel's github profile

A professional portfolio of Swapnoneel Saha, with his Achievements, Educational Journey and Contact Support to reach out to him.

Avax Gods

Google-ka-Dinosaur's github profile

A web3 based decentralised NFT battlecard game(on Avalanche C Testnet)


anamika7153's github profile

ProjektHouse is a Web Application for managing final year team data and associated project files. The application enables teams to create an account, log in, and manage their project details and files.

Score Keeper

shagunZ's github profile

Built using reactjs, this app provides a user-friendly interface and real-time score updates. The app dynamically updates the scores in real-time, providing an interactive and engaging experience. The app incorporates a score limit feature and displays the winner when the score limit is reached.

Gradient Wizard

Shivam-Katare's github profile

GradientWizard is a web application that allows you to generate gradient colors using a simple and intuitive interface.With GradientWizard, you can easily create beautiful gradients by selecting colors manually or generating random gradients. Additionally, you can copy the css code for the generated gradient and use it in your projects.